Friday, August 2, 2019
Extracurricular activity
But today some universities are applying for the student participating in extracurricular activities after classes at school to improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning. So some study is done to show the benefits of extracurricular activities. At the beginning of the twenty-first century, many colleges and universities have a broad educational mission to develop the ââ¬Å"whole student. â⬠On college campuses, extracurricular involvement is a key tool in this personal development. For the ajority of college and university students, involvement in extracurricular activities plays an integral role in the collegiate experience.Students become involved in extracurricular activities not only for entertainment, social, and enjoyment purposes, but most important, to gain and improve skills. Youth problem behaviors, such as truancy, violence, and substance use, are alarming to parents, teachers and youth alike. These behaviors disrupt the learning environment and lead to seri ous social and economic problems. Some experts have argued that rather than trying to prevent individual problem behaviors, parents, chools and communities should work towards building a youth's ability to resist the lure of problem behaviors (Dryfoos, 1990; Werner ; Smith, 1992).As youth develop, they need positive settings that offer the opportunity to build these important internal resources (Hawkins ; Weiss, 1985). Researchers and teachers have long suggested that extracurricular activity participation can be an important source of positive influence in the lives of youth (Holland ; Andre, 1987). This Fact Sheet will explore how youth participation in extracurricular activities can encourage positive youth development. . 2. Objective The importance of extracurricular activities on college campuses is well established.The primary goals of extracurricular activities focus on the individual student level, the institutional level, and the broader community level. These activities ex ist to complement the university's academic curriculum and to augment the student's educational experience. According to a 1993 article by Alexander Astin, almost any type of student involvement in college positively affects student learning and development. Extracurricular activities provide a setting to become involved and o interact with other students, thus leading to increased learning and enhanced development.Specifically, a student's peer group is the most important source of influence on a student's academic and personal development. By identifying with a peer group, that group may influence a student's affective and cognitive development As the development of the well-rounded individual is a principal goal of extracurricular activities on college and university campuses, the numerous experiences these activities afford positively impact students' emotional, intellectual, ocial, and inter-personal development. By working together with other individuals, students learn to neg otiate, communicate, manage conflict, and lead others.Taking part in these out-of-the-classroom activities helps students to understand the importance of critical thinking skills, time management, and academic and intellectual competence. Involvement in activities helps students mature socially by providing a setting for student interaction, relationship formation, and discussion. Working outside of the classroom with diverse groups of individuals allows for tudents to gain more self-confidence, autonomy, and appreciation for others' differences and similarities. Students also develop skills specific to their career path and imperative for future job success.Students have opportunities to improve their leadership and interpersonal skills while also increasing their self-confidence. Extracurricular involvement allows students to link academic knowledge with practical experience, thereby leading to a better understanding of their own abilities, talents, and career goals. Future employ ers seek individuals with these increased skill levels, making hese involved students more viable in the Job market. Specifically, participation in extracurricular activities and leadership roles in these activities are positively linked to attainment of one's first Job and to managerial potential.Student involvement in extracurricular activities also positively impacts educational attainment. Ernest T. Pascarella and Patrick T. Terenzini's 1991 research indicates that extracurricular involvement has a positive impact on attaining a bachelor's degree and on educational aspirations. Students who are actively engaged re more likely to have higher educational ambitions than uninvolved students. Finally, extracurricular activities focus on institutional goals, such as building and sustaining community on campus as well as student retention.As campuses become more diverse, students desire an environment in which they feel connected to others and to the university. Extracurricular activit ies provide a place for students to come together, discuss pertinent ideas and issues, and accomplish common goals. Within this community, where students feel comfortable with one another, learning and evelopment are enhanced and student retention is positively impacted. According to Vincent Tinto's 1987 research, students will be more likely to persist in college if they feel they have had rewarding encounters with a college's social and academic systems.Through extracurricular participation, students frequently interact with peers who have similar interests, providing social integration into the college environment. As a result, involved students view their college years as a positive experience and feel they are a vital part of the university, resulting in higher retention rates. 1. 3. Organization Chapter 1 of this study introduced the problem statement and described the specific problem addressed in the study as well as design components. problem addressed in this study.Chapter 3 presents the methodology and procedures used for data collection and analysis. 2. LITERATURE REVIEW This chapter will provide discussion some of the positive effects in student development based on participating in extracurricular activities. In addition, this chapter will also describe how extracurricular activities can effect personal, social and academic development in a positive manner. 2. . Introduction 2. 1 . 1. Definition: ââ¬Å"Extracurricular activities are those that fall outside the realm of the normal curriculum of school or university education, performed by studentsâ⬠(Wikipedia).Extracurricular activities are opportunities to engage in extensions of academic activities and/or non-academic activities under school auspices. In special circumstances, for example, when there are budget or scheduling constraints, extracurricular activities may provide experiences that would otherwise be offered within the school day. (wiseGEEK. org) Extracurricular can be valuable experience. If you have a career or study interest that you can pursue outside the classroom, take advantage. Think you might be interested in medicine? Try volunteering at a local hospital.Are you destined to be a writer? Join your school's newspaper or literary magazine. These activities can help give you a strong foundation should you decide to pursue them further, academically or professionally. (The Princeton Review) 2. 1. 2. Extracurricular types: These activities are generally voluntary as opposed to mandatory, non-paying, social, philanthropic as opposed to scholastic, and often involve others of the same age. Students often organize and direct these activities under faculty sponsorship, although student-led initiatives, such as independent newspapers, are common.There are many types of extracurricular activities: Athletics, Clubs, and Competitionsâ⬠¦ 2. 2. Benefits of Extracurricular Activities: There are many schools today that provide a lot of extracurricular activit ies. Some occur before school, some after school, and a few may even take place on the weekends. While some people are a bit dubious about participating in extracurricular activities, these activities actually bring with students many benefits. Allowing tudents to get involved in extracurricular activities at school is a wise choice, and it can be very important in helping them to develop many working skills, people skills, and more.Here is a closer look at some of the benefits of extracurricular activities for students in university 1) Learning Time Management and Prioritizing Esteem One great benefit of students being involved in extracurricular activities is that need to learn how to control a variety of different tasks in school & life as well, and getting involved in these activities can give them some practice at it. 2) Getting Involved in Diverse Interests Getting involved in extracurricular activities also allows students to get involved in diverse interests. It is important for students to be very diverse in their interests.These activities allow them to explore various interests that they may have. 3) Learning About Long Term Commitments This is another excellent benefit. Students learn about long term commitments when the Join one of the activities or clubs. They commit themselves to that activity for a period of time. If they have some troubles which they must try to solve for keeping up to their end of the deal, they will learn how to overcome difficult in any ase. If not, no doubt they'll hear about it from their peers and perhaps even teachers when they give up. ) Making a Contribution Extracurricular activities allow students to make a contribution in some way. It shows that they are getting away from Just thinking about themselves and contributing to something else. They will be taught about receive ; giving. 5) Raises Self-Esteem There are many students that feel worthless or that there is nothing they are good at. Everyone wants to find some thing that they are really good at, and extracurricular activities provide them with a way that they can get involved in omething and really shine, giving their self-esteem a boost. ) Building Solid Relationship Skills Students need to get involved in social activities and learn how to appropriate act in social situations and these activities give them a chance outside of school to do this, while they are still being supervised by adults. 7) Looks Great on Jobs Applications Another benefit of Joining extracurricular activities is that it looks great on Job applications. Most employers not only look at grades, but they take a look at extracurricular activities that students are involved in while they are in university.They want to see that students are getting out there and doing more than Just book work. The activities that teens are involved in reveal a lot about them, and definitely will say something to your boss in future. THE PROPOSED METHODOLOGY Objective: Giving benefits that extracurricular activities bring to students and teachers. Helping students and teachers understand the positive impact of the extra- curricular activities in teaching. 2. 3. Research design This study is designed to research about Benefits of Extracurricular Activities in Teaching by: *Exploratory in questions with students and interview with teacher.Explanatory and analysis reaction of students ; teacher with extracurricular activities This study is following a mixed research design between a qualitative about rate 2. 4. Data sources: Many data sources will be used in this study but main data sources is narratives, transcript of interviews and survey data. 2. 5. Data collection techniques: Narratives: we will ask some students to talk about extracurricular activities which they had. Transcript of interviews: we'll invite some teacher for interview about effective of extracurricular activities and reaction of students in their department.Interviews will e tape-recorded. Survey dat a: we'll create a survey online with yes/no questions and send to student as much as we can via social network, email, instant messenger. Google Drive will be used as a tool to create a survey online and data will be saved and summarized. A personal data sheet requested demographic data in addition to the responses to the ten survey questions. The survey instruments were distributed to the students enrolled at Department of International Relationship. The students returned the completed surveys on the internet throughout two week. 2. 6. Issues of reliability and validityInterviews will be tape-recorded. Survey online will get information as name, email of students who do the survey. Data of survey online will be accuracy rate each questions, each answer on graph by Google. We will try to get pictures as evidence for the story about extracurricular activities which are narrated. Interviewing teacher, maybe some teachers didn't organize an extracurricular activities. Survey online may be some students don't like do any survey or theyre not finish the survey, we will delete unfinished survey to get accuracy rate from Google. 2. 7. Sampling techniquesWe will use yes/no questions in questionnaire of survey online for students and open question is used to interviews teachers. 2. 8. Definitions of key terms, concepts and variables ââ¬Å"Google Drive is a file storage and synchronization service provided by Google, which enables user cloud storage, file sharing and collaborative editing. Google Drive is the home of Google Docs, a suite of productivity applications that offer collaborative editing on documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and moreâ⬠. (Wikipedia, Google Drive) ââ¬Å"Google Forms is a tool that allows collecting information from users via a ersonalized survey or quiz.The information is then collected and automatically connected to a spreadsheet with the same name. The spreadsheet is populated with the survey and quiz responses. â⬠(Wikipedia, Google Docs) LIST OF SOURCES ââ¬â This document is using Template for a Master's proposal of vwwv. unisa. ac. za Questionnaires for take survey from students: Purpose: about reaction of student after activities, which benefits did they get? Please complete the following by ticking the appropriate box or writing a comment: 1. Does your course have any outdoor activities in studying? Yes No Don't know 3 2.Do you like those activities in course? Yes 3. How did you feel when you study in extracurricular activities? Best Normal Not Bad Bad 4 5 4. How much percent of lessons did you get from extracurricular activities? 5. Do you want to study more extracurricular activities in your course? Yes 6. Who will control in your extracurricular activities? You, the student or the teacher? Student Teacher Don't Know 7. Who will work more than other? The student or the teacher? 8. Can you compare between the way which you study indoor & outdoor? ln- class After-class 9.Do you see any preparati on of your teacher for the extracurricular activities? Is it too much things to do? Yes 10. Where are important factors to have extracurricular activities more interesting, attractiveâ⬠¦? Student Collaboration Script to interviews teachers: Interviewer: Hello Teacher, I'm really thank you for spending a little time enjoy in our research. Our conversation will be tape-recorded, Are you agree with that? Teacher: â⬠Interviewer: So can I know what your full names and where you teach? Teacher: Interviewer: Did you make any extracurricular activities for your students? *Yes 0 Interviewer:So what is it? How did you prepare for those activities? Do you think that activities help your students in study ; experience? Can you share with us about your students' reaction with your extracurricular activities? Can you compare between extracurricular activities and teaching in class? Which one more effective? 0 Interviewer: Did you think about make any extracurricular activities for your student? *Yes 0 So you thought about that but why don't you make any *No 0 So I think maybe you catch some weakness of extracurricular activities to decide not make any activities in your teaching, didn't you?
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